I'll think about how to best convey the charm of chainstitch embroidery machine.
There’s barely any info on old sewing machines, huh? What are we gonna do about it?

Exactly! There are English videos and materials out there, but without translating them, it’s hard to get the message across to most people.
Yeah, I get it. Sounds like a lot of work, but if you pull it off, it could turn into some really great content, don’t you think?

Exactly! I’m hoping that if more people get into chainstitch embroidery machine, even just a little, it’ll be totally worth it.
The appeal of chainstitch embroidery machine
In future columns I would like to consider ways to convey the appeal of handle machine embroidery.
I don't think most people are familiar with the term "handle sewing machine." First of all, I would like to give you a general understanding of embroidery, embroidery methods, and classifications.
The purpose of conveying the appeal of embroidery is, of course, to promote our store's products, but as the technology of handle sewing machines is becoming obsolete, we also hope to increase the number of people who want to try embroidery by conveying its appeal.
In 2025, we hope to open a class in our workshop where people can learn how to use a handle sewing machine, and also open a web school like e-learning via the internet.
First of all, we want to get people interested in embroidery, and then from among those who are interested, we want to meet the needs of those who want to actually operate a handle sewing machine, create works of art, and sell the works they have created.
How to convey this message
First of all, to get people interested, I think it's best to communicate using a combination of three main materials and tools: video, images, and text. I think these three are essential elements.
For those who want to try making their own embroidery, I believe that if you can learn by looking with your eyes, reading the words, and actually doing the work with your hands through a repeated process, your embroidery skills will improve the more you do it.
I will tell you through videos

I think YouTube is still the best place to watch videos. I think Vimeo is good for technical and artistic videos, but YouTube has the overwhelming share. I will be posting videos of the production process and detailed tips.
First, here is how the embroidery is done in our shop.
There are videos of past embroidery operators on YouTube, but the quality is a little poor because they are from VHS tapes. However, I think the content is the best of what is available.
These videos are accompanied by English manuals, and the videos progress along with the manuals. In other words, they are like instructional videos. I would like to translate these English materials and videos into Japanese where possible and upload them to my blog.
I will convey it through images

We will take and publish photos of products, as well as images of tools and machine parts.
Communicating through text

I will be publishing the text and writings on this blog, but I think it would be most effective to publish the historical materials that still exist. If I can partially replace the tools and interpretations that were appropriate for the time, I think I will be able to publish a method that is appropriate for the current era.
It would be a waste if we just introduced translations and videos, and people were left wondering, "What should I do then?" However, most of these historical and vintage materials are in English, so as I mentioned in the video explanation, I would like to translate them.
I would like to create content that allows you to naturally acquire knowledge and skills as you proceed step by step. Next time, I will think about the content of the medium framework rather than the big framework.

渡邉 太地(Taichi Watanabe)