Process of making chainstitch embroidery machine #1

I uploaded a video to YouTube today showing how I’m embroidering a patch!

Man, how do you even do such detailed work? No way I could pull that off, my hands (and feet) are totally useless for this! LOL

Honestly, I’d love to shoot with two cameras. It’d be great if I could show the hand-crank action with my right hand too!

Yeah, that’s true. The real key to a chainstitch embroidery machine is how you work that right hand!

Haha, no wonder you know so much—you watch me do it every day!


I uploaded the video to YouTube.

I uploaded the process of making chainstitch embroidery machine on YouTube.

I Will Be T-800 Tiger

The product embroidered in the video is a patch called I Will Be T-800 Tiger.

View related products below Please take a look.


渡邉 太地(Taichi Watanabe)

Rainbow Adventure Design代表

1979年5月26日生まれ。レコード会社勤務を経て、Rainbow Adventure Designを起業。2024年刺繍製品に特化したRainbow Adventure Embroideryを設立。
